Here are some valuable links and documents that could be helpful.
As the community transitions these documents will be updated.
If you have questions, please see the senior minister or program lead.
The Sunday team frequently gets asked questions of all kinds from newcomers and regulars. As ambassadors, we want to be helpful. Yet it's also important to point people in the right direction to keep communication flow consistent.
The Organization TEAM LEAD document outlines who can be approached. This document matched up with the Community Tree, that PEOPLE IN SACRED SERVICE can find on the SACRED SERVICE PAGE .
This document will be updated and reviewed by the ministerial team. Any questions, please email [email protected].
Click button for document.
Where to find info you can share with your friends
Our newsletter goes out Monday morning.
We hope you enjoy it. Any questions, please use our contact form.
Be well,
Centre for Spiritual Living Edmonton South
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Territory Acknowledgement
We acknowledge that we are standing on Treaty 6 Territory; the land occupied, traveled and cared for by the Indigenous peoples as far back as there have been people on this land.
First Nation culture, history and language enrich our shared heritage and help us move forward in truth and collaboration on our journey to foster reconciliation.
We are all bound by the spirit and intent of Treaty 6 and share in the sacred responsibility of stewardship over these lands. Our prayer is the flourishing, peace and trust between all treaty peoples.