15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership 

Are you Above or Below
the Line? 
Conscious Leaders ask themselves is “Where am I?” 

This relates to our state of being , at any given moment we can guage if we are above the line by being open , curious and committed to learning or we can find ourselves below the line by being close,defensive and committed to being right.

So then are YOU a Conscious Leader? 

What would it look like to have a community of Conscious Leaders?

We are very excited to be embarking on a new practice over the next 15 months. This practice will take us through the 15 commitments of Concious Leadership.

If you are interested in learning just how to become a Conscious Leader take the time to purchase the book from our book store.

There will be a variety of ways we will be engaging learning these commitments over the next 15 months.

Locating Yourself 

Awareness is the first step. It is simply stopping and asking, “What am I thinking, how am I feeling, how am I acting?” When you are feeling or thinking the above, you know where you are located. 

Knowing where you are located at any given moment is being aware of your self system. You create, create something new or different when you are above the line. Below the line, you stay where you are.

When disturbing thoughts or emotions enter, our tendency is to run off with these feelings or thoughts. Unconscious to our state we operate below the line.  

Above the line or below the line awareness is a practice. It is a ceaseless practice to be used all the time. This means asking yourself the location question as you converse, as you act and behave, in planning, even in our interior self talk.

What can you do right now? Say yes to this practice and study of being. You can’t do this alone. It is relational, as your life is. 

15 Commitment Resources 

If you are interested in taking your study to the next level check out these resources available to you. 


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